While at Hustlaball I took quite a few photos with my phone. They are poor quality, but I thought you might like to see them anyway.  I’ve even included the crap ones because they give you a sense of what the night was like.  The following photos were taken by the pool. There were cute boys fooling around by the pool, and then they did a scene (with professional cameras) that I suspect will end up in a porn film in the near future.  Yes, that is a woman fisting a guy by the pool in one of the grainy photographs. It’s kinda cool to be in a group of guys – most of whom have their phones out snapping photos – as people get worked over in front of you. For many people there, I suspect that it will be as close as they get to filming porn. For me, it was a little frustrating that I couldn’t get in there and direct – but also fun to sit back and let other people do the work.