I found this pretty funny. In Melbourne there is a great porn site called Bentleyrace.com. I’ve met Ben a number of times and he is a really nice guy. We also use some of the same models. In fact I’m good friends with quite a few of the Bentley Race boys.
Which is why it amused me to find out that some gay boys in Melbourne are apparently playing a game called “Bentley Race Bingo”.
It’s a pretty simple game – when you see a Bentley Race Model you get a point. You play it with friends at big gay events in Melbourne such as the gay pride parade or the gay carnival day to see who can spot the most models.
Ben has filmed a tonne of guys in Melbourne so it isn’t that hard to get points.
Ben’s site is not really kinky but it is worth checking out. 🙂 You can play a home version of Bentley Race Bingo by seeing how many guys you recognize from Soxster.com