I was having fun with some friends in Room Six of Club 80 – which as I’ve mentioned in a previous post is one of the best rooms you can hire at a sex on site premises anywhere in the world. Room Six is on the loft level – right at the top of the four storey building under the roofline.

It was a rainy, blustery day and I was really loving the sound of the rain hitting the tin roof above us in waves. It made me feel warm and safe to be inside while the elements outside lashed the building. It perfectly got me into the mood for sex.

Club 80 has a ground floor which is used for private parties and theme events – and as we were playing in room six at the top of the building, the lower level was hosting the Gold Edition Party.

The Gold Party, as you may have guessed, is a piss party.

As we chilled out, having a break in the session, we discussed the Gold Party and the weather.

One of my friends said thoughtfully: “People coming here for Gold must be disappointed, they’ll be drenched before they get here.”

Hilarity and much laughter ensued. 😛
