Jun 16, 2012 | Blindfold & Hoods, Fucking, Oral, Sacha, Uncategorized
And to go with the previous post – some video clips! 🙂
Jun 7, 2012 | Anal Play, Blindfold & Hoods, Events & Parties, Fucking, Humour, Restraints, Sissyboy, Sling
A few more funny moments involving sex…because it can be very funny. Last week I was pounding the hell out of Sissyboy in the sling. I was grabbing him by his harness and throwing him around, and bitch slapping his face while power fucking him. It got pretty...
May 24, 2012 | Ask Andrew Soxster, Fucking, Oral
I once had amazing sex with a deaf guy. It was with a thin, asian, twinky guy in his early twenties who I picked up and ploughed senseless. What made this experience incredibly memorable was the way he moaned. I’ve often complained that sometimes moaning during...
May 11, 2012 | Anal Play, Blindfold & Hoods, Fucking, Restraints, Sling, Zakai
A rough draft – I’ll come back and fix it up later – think of this as a preview. Over the years I’ve been lucky enough to fuck a number of cherry boys. Some of them had fooled around with other guys. Some had sucked a lot of cock. Some had even...
Apr 26, 2012 | AB, Anal Play, Blindfold & Hoods, CBT, Fucking, Punishment
I had an interesting session a few months ago that proves that things can go wrong – even with an experienced master such as myself. I was invited by another master to help work over a hot young guy. This boy had a reasonable level of experience and liked rough...
Mar 20, 2012 | Anal Play, Blindfold & Hoods, Events & Parties, Fisting, Fucking, Oral, Sling
The Biggles books by Captain W E Johns detail the exploits of a band of aviators. In one book set in World War One there is a masssive dog fight involving dozens of German and British planes. When the battle is finished, and the British pilots return to base, a main...