Jun 22, 2016 | Anal Play, Blindfold & Hoods, Bram, Fucking, Oral, Restraints, Sounds
Bram is a fucking hottie! He came over for his second session and it was awesome. He’s a passionate boy and I really enjoy playing with him. He was blindfolded and manhandled (I’m a full head taller than him), and roped up. He had expressed interest in...
Jun 11, 2016 | Anal Play, Blindfold & Hoods, Bram, Mummification, Oral, Restraints
Ok, I should start by saying that I just thought that red and blue would look good together, and it was only when I added the red rope that a certain resemblance to a Marvel super hero emerged. It was entirely unintentional! Nonetheless, Bram had a marvellous time....