Oct 24, 2013 | Anal Play, CBT, Events & Parties, Fisting, Fucking, Sling
Logging into Facebook last month I found two party invitations – one for a thirtieth birthday BBQ lunch on a Saturday and one for an orgy the following day. The birthday boy had decided he wanted to enter his “dirty thirties” with a bang –...
Oct 22, 2013 | Anal Play, Blindfold & Hoods, Fisting, Fucking, Gear, Oral, Sissyboy, Sling, Tut
An interesting night. I had long thought about getting a web cam that wasn’t integrated into my computer so I could show people what I got up to. My tech savvy little ranga piggy friend came shopping with Sissyboy and I. We found a perfect wireless web cam. We...
Oct 18, 2013 | Anal Play, Ellis, Fucking, Mitch
I’m impressed with the number of young guys who are into fisting. I’ve been chatting with a hot 21yo who agreed to let me share his story. Andrew: So how did you get into fisting? Ellis: Well, my parents decided to move away from Sydney to a more rural...
Aug 17, 2013 | Anal Play, Fisting, Fucking, Mitch, Oral, Riley
I started writing this a few weeks ago – and despite several drafts and rewrites it doesn’t even come close to the intensity of the experience – which was one of the best nights of sex I have ever had. But here goes…. I am so lucky. My life...
Aug 2, 2013 | Anal Play, Fucking, Mitch, Oral, Piggy, Riley, Uncategorized
So last weekend was pretty amazing. My friend the mid twenties little ranga piggy was in the city and we caught up for lunch and a little shopping. We messaged Mitch to see if he was free for dinner and we hung out until he arrived. We had a loverly dinner and evening...
Jul 3, 2013 | Fucking, Oral, Tommy
A boy I quite adore is currently working at Disneyland for twelve months on their college program. It was his dream to work there and he’s been having a great time. Putting thousands of college age students together will definitely create sexual tension and he...