Trust and Risk

Alternative title: Why bondage masters shouldn’t act like Bangkok taxi drivers I was talking with a sub recently who told me about a master who wanted him to do something that involved a level of risk that he wasn’t comfortable with. When he expressed...

Blue Balls at the Blue Boy

When I was 22 I made my first trip to Amsterdam. A really amazing city. Beautiful. Relaxed. Interesting. A city with bikes on dykes, rather than the other way around. It was 1998 and Amsterdam had legal prostitution. There were windows with girls in them in the red...

A New Train of Thought

I think it’s time to finally document one of the most erotic things I have ever seen. It doesn’t involve nudity. It doesn’t involve obscenity. It took place in broad daylight. And I’ll remember it forever. It must have been about ten years ago,...

First BDSM Experience Turned To Hell

I chat with a lot of beginners and unfortunately I often hear a lot of tales of unfortunate first time experiences with BDSM.  I’ve been chatting with a guy in his mid 20s who is essentially straight but wants to experience being a submissive to a guy. He had a...