Bath House Adventures

Thomas is 21 and a truly amazing guy. He is currently living overseas and I’m missing him considerably more than I thought I would (which was a lot to begin with). He hadn’t been to a gay sauna before – and when he told me what happened his first...

Edward from top to bottom – Part 2

I really enjoyed the first installment of Edward’s story. I had no idea that he was becoming such a good little sub boy. I’d like to assure all readers that this is absolutely true.  🙂  They are an adorable couple and now I want more than ever...

Full Service Airline

As I mentioned in a previous post, is back in Europe in October. By coincidence, Alex was on the same flight I was. I decided it was only appropriate that he help relax me prior to my 14 hour flight from Australia to my stop over city. It’s about 24...