The Soxster Blog is a constant source of stories and inspiration from our exploration of kink.

Stretching in a Brisbane Storm

Next week we have a gangbang scheduled for two cute boys. I’m really looking forward to it but there were some of us who wanted to have our holes played with this month and so I arranged for a small group stretching session last night. We had a group of 10 people, including four people who hadn’t previously been to a Soxster party. It was a really fun night - with the added addition of a pretty intense thunderstorm passing through at about 10 pm. Some people had already left by that stage, but...

Tied into a sling for six weeks

Ah the irony. After falling off my bike - with no one to blame but myself -  I find myself with my arm in a sling. Six weeks at least. Which of course is pretty sucky. Normally it's me putting other boys in slings. It was a day of firsts - first time in an ambulance,...

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I guess I need to embrace change a little more. An adorable 22yo young man and I were lying in bed together - and he commented that my apartment doesn't look much different to how it did when we started playing three years ago. He said: "There's this thing called...

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This might hurt a bit

One of my young playmates, Jacksin, has an expression he loves: "With enough lube anything is possible" I'd probably change it to: "With enough lube, and enough patience, anything is possible" Of course, that reflects our respective personalities. If he's playing Dom...

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Fisting Flashback

Have you ever experienced that moment when you go to a work function and you're given a stool to sit on that's identical to the one you sit on when fisting boys in your sling. It somehow adds an extra dimension to your event. 

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This might hurt a bit

One of my young playmates, Jacksin, has an expression he loves: "With enough lube anything is possible" I'd probably change it to: "With enough lube, and enough patience, anything is possible" Of course, that reflects our respective personalities. If he's playing Dom...

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Fisting Flashback

Have you ever experienced that moment when you go to a work function and you're given a stool to sit on that's identical to the one you sit on when fisting boys in your sling. It somehow adds an extra dimension to your event. 

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Getting into having FFun

As I was lying in bed with two hot teenagers who had previously taken me to the wrist (how awesome is my life), our discussion turned to young guys who say they are into fisting but who really haven't put any time or effort in - either in terms or gaining knowledge or...

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Getting into having FFun

As I was lying in bed with two hot teenagers who had previously taken me to the wrist (how awesome is my life), our discussion turned to young guys who say they are into fisting but who really haven't put any time or effort in - either in terms or gaining knowledge or...

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Ask Andrew – Sling Fun

A letter from a reader: Hi Andrew    I am thinking pretty seriously about getting a sling so turned to the forums to see about opinions of types and see if there was hanging info.  I don't move in circles with anyone I can easily turn to for info.  I appreciated your...

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Ask Andrew – Sling Fun

A letter from a reader: Hi Andrew    I am thinking pretty seriously about getting a sling so turned to the forums to see about opinions of types and see if there was hanging info.  I don't move in circles with anyone I can easily turn to for info.  I appreciated your...

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Sound Waves of Pleasure

A few weeks back I had the pleasure of introducing a young guy to sounding who had never experienced it before. I think it's safe to say he enjoyed it more than anyone I've ever sounded before. I got a few pics and videos of the metal sinking into his milky white...

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Sound Waves of Pleasure

A few weeks back I had the pleasure of introducing a young guy to sounding who had never experienced it before. I think it's safe to say he enjoyed it more than anyone I've ever sounded before. I got a few pics and videos of the metal sinking into his milky white...

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Tight Asses

In some of my previous posts I've described some of the amazing young guys I've played with who are into ass play. They are sensual, confident, sexual guys who love sex and who have taken the time to get their asses ready for sex - and in some cases fisting. I'm...

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Tight Asses

In some of my previous posts I've described some of the amazing young guys I've played with who are into ass play. They are sensual, confident, sexual guys who love sex and who have taken the time to get their asses ready for sex - and in some cases fisting. I'm...

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Electrifying Sissyboy

It had been far too long since I had played with Sissyboy and I was looking forward to his session. We met at Manhaus where he helped me select some new, and quite massive, ass toys. We grabbed a bite to eat and then headed home where I showed him some scenes from...

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Teasing Teens

Many years ago a beautiful friend of mine was driving along when she pulled up behind a bus filled with kids going on an excursion. The back of the bus was filled with teenage boys - probably around thirteen or fourteen years of age. One of them waved at her and she...

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I’m Definitely Getting Old

I recently attended a high school reunion which included an optional tour of the campus before the festivities began. The last stop on the tour was the sports centre which included the pool where I had learned to swim as a young child. In secondary school I had...

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I’m Definitely Getting Old

I recently attended a high school reunion which included an optional tour of the campus before the festivities began. The last stop on the tour was the sports centre which included the pool where I had learned to swim as a young child. In secondary school I had...

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So a friend of mine was out for a run when he happened to come across a good looking young man in a park...and discovered this interesting fact. If you fuck a guy in a public toilet for half an hour it will add 1.2kms to your Runkeeper total.

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So a friend of mine was out for a run when he happened to come across a good looking young man in a park...and discovered this interesting fact. If you fuck a guy in a public toilet for half an hour it will add 1.2kms to your Runkeeper total.

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When you wish upon a star….

A boy I quite adore is currently working at Disneyland for twelve months on their college program. It was his dream to work there and he's been having a great time. Putting thousands of college age students together will definitely create sexual tension and he has...

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Relaxed Fisting

It may sound like an obvious title. After all, it's almost impossible to get fisted unless you are very relaxed.  That's kind of the point of the activity. "I'm feeling extremely tense" said no one after any fisting session ever. But this particular session was about...

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A Fondle Farewell

On the night before I headed overseas, the two twinks who were accompanying me for the first part of the trip slept over so we could all go to the airport together in the morning. I'm going to call them puppy and piggy.  Puppy is into puppy play, and Piggy just likes...

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Bentley Race Bingo

I found this pretty funny. In Melbourne there is a great porn site called I've met Ben a number of times and he is a really nice guy. We also use some of the same models. In fact I'm good friends with quite a few of the Bentley Race boys. Which is why...

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A Fondle Farewell

On the night before I headed overseas, the two twinks who were accompanying me for the first part of the trip slept over so we could all go to the airport together in the morning. I'm going to call them puppy and piggy.  Puppy is into puppy play, and Piggy just likes...

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